Start Date 2024-06-23
Deadline  2024-06-29
Job Location  Hargeisa, Republic of Somaliland
Education  Master
Job type  Full time 


In alignment with the Conventions of Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and Somaliland National Disability Policy, the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs, and Family, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through capacity development and empowerment of persons with disabilities project, is set to launch an extensive program designed to equip individuals with sign language skills. This forward-thinking initiative is dedicated to fostering greater understanding and interaction between hearing and deaf communities, with the ultimate goal of enhancing the quality of life for the deaf community in Somaliland. This program will train over 25 students for sign language, selected from the general public and various national institutions including marginalized communities and women with disabilities, over three months within the current year. The selection process will focus on identifying individuals who are dedicated and committed to mastering and applying the skills acquired during the training. By targeting these individuals, the program aims to create a cadre of sign language-proficient citizens who can effectively bridge the communication gap between hearing and deaf individuals. A significant component of this initiative is improving service provision across key national institutions. This includes the Ministry of Communication, Health Development, Justice, Courts, and the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs, and Family. By integrating sign language skills into these critical areas, the program seeks to enhance the accessibility and quality of services provided to the deaf community, ensuring their needs are adequately met and respected.
In summary, this comprehensive program is crucial to building a more inclusive society in Somaliland. By equipping individuals with essential sign language skills, the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs, and Family, together with UNDP, aims to promote meaningful interactions and mutual understanding between hearing and deaf communities, thereby fostering a more cohesive and supportive environment for all. including the Ministry of Communication, Health Development, Justice, Courts, and the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs, and Family

General Goal of the Program 

To enhance social interaction and understanding between the hearing community and the deaf community by equipping hearing individuals with basic sign language skills.

3. Specific Objectives of the Program  To increase the number of individuals knowledgeable in sign language.  To enhance the communication skills of hearing individuals.  To improve understanding and interaction between hearing and deaf communities.  To enhance the effectiveness of service provision for the deaf community.

4. Roles and Responsibilities of Parts.

4.1. The Roles and Responsibilities of the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs, and Family  Select and register teachers and students for the program  Orient and guide students and teachers in the sign language program.  Develop the content of the teaching program for students.  Supervise and monitor the effectiveness and relevance of the program during the training period.  Provide salaries for the teachers and graduation certificates for the students upon program completion.

5. Requirements for Sign Language Teachers

Possess a credential degree with at least three years of teaching experience.  Provide a letter of good conduct for discipline and credit check purposes.  Submit qualification documents evidencing TOT (Training of Trainers) certification in sign language teaching.  Hold a Somaliland National Identity card for citizenship verification.  Female certified trainer in sign languages is encouraged to apply
