1. Introduction

The Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs, and Family (MESAF), with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is undertaking a project to renovate and plaster the MESAF Training Hall. Originally built many years ago, the hall now requires significant updates to provide an innovative, comfortable, and accessible environment suitable for training individuals with disabilities. This renovation aligns with MESAF’s mission to promote and protect human rights and improve the quality of life for people with disabilities. The renovated hall will serve as a venue for a standardized training curriculum in sign language, accommodating 25 students.

2. Objectives

2.1 General Objective

  • To create a well-equipped, decorated, and comfortable training facility for sign language training, supporting the protection of human rights for people with disabilities.

2.2 Specific Objectives

  • Prepare a specialized training hall for the Sign Language Training Program.
  • Equip and decorate the hall to meet the specific needs of the program.
  • Ensure the training hall is safe, suitable, and comfortable for all training activities, promoting the human rights of people with disabilities in Somaliland.

3. Scope of Work

The contractor is expected to carry out the following tasks:

3.1 Gypsum Board

  • Ceiling Decoration: Create innovative and aesthetically pleasing ceiling designs using gypsum boards.

3.2 PVC

  • Wall and Table Décor: Install PVC décor behind the meeting table and on the walls, using the specified designs and dimensions.

3.3 Floor Tiles

  • Tile Replacement: Remove the existing floor tiles and install new ones per the selected design and specifications.

3.4 Roofing

  • Roof Installation: Install new roofing using iron sheets and steel boxes to ensure durability and protection.

3.5 Door

  • PVC Door Installation: Install a new PVC door, selecting a color that complements the overall design of the training hall.

3.6 Wall PVC

  • Wall Paneling: Fix PVC panels on the walls, choosing colors that enhance the training hall's aesthetic appeal.

3.7 Painting

  • Distempering and Stucco: Paint the hall with distempering and stucco finishes, choosing colors that create a welcoming and conducive learning environment.

4. Contractor Requirements

4.1 Experience and Expertise

  • Demonstrated experience in similar renovation projects, particularly those involving accessible environments for people with disabilities.

4.2 Licensing and Certification

  • Possession of the necessary licenses and certifications required to carry out construction and renovation work in Somaliland.

4.3 Project Management

  • Provision of a detailed project management plan, including timelines, milestones, and resource allocation to ensure timely completion of the project.

4.4 Quality Assurance

  • Implementation of a robust quality assurance process to guarantee that all work meets the specified standards and requirements.

4.5 Health and Safety

  • Adherence to strict health and safety regulations to ensure the safety of workers and occupants during and after the renovation process.

4.6 References and Portfolio

  • Provision of references and a portfolio of past projects similar in scope and scale to demonstrate capability and reliability.


5. Evaluation Criteria

5.1 Technical Proposal

  • Understanding of Requirements: Demonstrated clear understanding of the renovation and plastering requirements as outlined in this Terms of Reference.
  • Methodology: Detailed methodology and approach for carrying out the renovation.

5.2 Financial Proposal

  • Cost Efficiency: Competitive and realistic cost estimates for the entire renovation project.
  • Budget Breakdown: Detailed breakdown of costs associated with each renovation component.

5.3 Timeline

  • Project Schedule: Realistic and achievable project timeline, including key milestones and deliverable dates.

6. Submission Guidelines

Contractors interested in this project should submit a detailed proposal that includes the following:

  • Technical Proposal: Outline of the approach, methodology, and work plan.
  • Financial Proposal: Detailed budget with cost breakdown.
  • References and Portfolio: Relevant experience and examples of past projects.
  • Project Timeline: Schedule of activities and milestones.

Proposals should be submitted to the MESAF office at Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Family, In front of Abarso University and submission address molsaplanning1@gmail.com  by 04 April, 2024.



7. Approval and Contracting

The successful contractor will be selected based on the evaluation criteria and will enter into a formal contract with MESAF. The Director General of MESAF, Ahmed Hassan Aden, will oversee the approval process and ensure that the selected contractor adheres to all terms outlined in this document.


For further inquiries, please contact:

Admin-Hamda Yusuf


Tel: 0634247703